Argentine senate rejects abortion legalization bill

BUENOS AIRES – Amid a public outrage, the senate of Argentine is discussing the abortion legalization bill. The project allows women to abort before the 14th week of pregnancy. Outside the Congress, protesters in favor and against expect the results.

After debating, the decision of the senate about a new abortion policy was not to approved. with a total of 31 votes in favor, and 38 votes against, the measure that would have allowed Argentine women to abort has been rejected. Hundreds of women remain on the streets to show discontent about the result of the voting.

Argentine’s Congress voted  a new abortion bill this week. The proposal implied that women would be allowed to practice the abortion before the 14th week of pregnancy. Thousands of people remained outside the Senate, divided into the ones in favor and the ones who rejected the bill. Besides, the public service offered for free the necessary assessment for the abortion practice.

Abortion is only permitted in case of violation or mother’s life risk. But the new project of law defines that any woman can freely practice it with the mentioned condition. The voting session began on Wednesday at 10 o’clock. Besides, President Macri announced all people in favor and against the bill, that he would put the decision under debate, debate that  drew international attention.

According to Bloomberg, actress and activist Susan Sarandon expressed her support on the project. In addition, Amnesty International backed the bill last week, buying a full-page advertisement in the New York Times to show agreement. However, negative reactions also showed up. Senators like José Alperovich, from the northern province of Tucumán, and Silvina García Larraburu, from Río Negro, are two examples of opposition to the bill.

“This is a matter that has divided the society, after have talked to many people from Tucuman, and have been cross the province, I have decided to vote against the bill” Senator Alperovich said.

The abortion bill defenders identify themselves with a green handkerchiefs, and they opine that the illegal abortion is one of the main causes of women mortality in the country. And that the poorest women are the ones who suffer the most and die, product of procedures made in insalubrity conditions.

“Legal, safe, and free abortion is the only way to end the death of more women with unwanted pregnancy” said the opposition senator Pedro Guastavino this Tuesday.

After debating, the decision of the senate was not to approve the bill. with a total of 31 votes in favor, and 38 votes against, the measure that would have allowed Argentine women to abort has been rejected. Hundreds of women remain on the streets to show discontent about the result of the voting.

According the news outlet europapress, the result represents a brutal strike against the campaign for the right to a legal, free, and safe abortion. initiative that began in 2006, and whose aim is to legalize the abortion before the 14th week with no special conditions.

If the bill would had been approved, Argentine would had become the third country in Latin America to legalize the abortion. Being Cuba and Uruguay the only two countries that allow it.


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