Mark Ruffalo and Susan Sarandon have shown their support for the Apruebo option ahead of the Sept. 4 constitutional plebiscite in Chile. The Hollywood actors went to social media to post on behalf of a new Constitution for the country. “It’s time to turn the page on the cruelty of the Pinochet years.”
Ahead of the Sept. 4 constitutional plebiscite in Chile, many have spoken up either for the Apruebo option or the Rechazo option. Now it’s Hollywood’s turn. Through social media, Marvel actor Mark Ruffalo and Oscar winner Susan Sarandon have shown their support for the Apruebo, citing the need to approve the proposed new Constitution.
In a video for the campaign “Approving is human,” organized by Amnesty International, Ruffalo called out to the Chilean people before the election: “It’s time to turn the page on the cruelty of the Pinochet years and adopt a Constitution for a new and changing world. One that has more equality and humanity and thoughtfulness in it. I know a lot of great people work on this and the world is looking towards you as a model to address the changing climate and the need for a greater democracy.”
Adding to Ruffalo’s declaration, Academy award winner for best actress in “Dead Man Walking” Sarandon tweeted her support for Apruebo. She cited a tweet by American political strategist Rania Batrice: “ICYMI [in case you missed it], please check out this incredible thread below and sign on support! The people of Chile are providing a road map for the rest of the world, and they need our support as this vote happens ….”
Sarandon commented: “We’re looking to Chile … for all of our sake.”
Catalina Vergara is graduated in Social Communications from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She has previously worked on Strategic Communications.